Taxing the Sick: A National Shame

Taxing the Sick: A National Shame

India, a nation grappling with a burgeoning population and a fragile healthcare infrastructure, finds itself in the unenviable position of taxing its citizens’ health and survival. The imposition of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on health insurance and life-saving cancer drugs is a stark indictment of the government’s priorities, revealing a callous disregard for the well-being of its citizens.

Healthcare, universally acknowledged as a fundamental human right, should be a top priority for any government. Yet, India seems to be marching in the opposite direction. By levying taxes on health insurance and cancer drugs, the government is, in essence, profiting from the misfortune of its people. It is a cruel irony that those battling life-threatening diseases are being forced to contribute to the state’s coffers.   

While other nations are investing heavily in world-class healthcare facilities and making medical treatment accessible to all, India appears content with exploiting its citizens’ vulnerabilities. The revenue generated from these taxes is a paltry sum compared to the immense human suffering it exacerbates. It is a shameful reflection of the government’s priorities that it chooses to fill its coffers by burdening the sick and the vulnerable.

The argument that GST is a necessary evil for economic growth is a hollow one when it comes to healthcare. A healthy population is a productive population. By making healthcare affordable and accessible, the government can actually stimulate economic growth. Investing in public health infrastructure, subsidizing essential medicines, and providing free or affordable healthcare would not only improve the quality of life for millions but also boost the economy in the long run.   

It is high time the government realized that its primary duty is to protect and serve its citizens, especially the most vulnerable. The imposition of GST on health insurance and cancer drugs is a moral and ethical failure. It is a stain on the nation’s conscience. The government must immediately roll back these taxes and prioritize the health and well-being of its citizens over revenue generation. The health of a nation is its wealth, and it is time for India to invest wisely in its people